
The old lady Su looked at Su Mian emphatically. Today, she complained that she might not persuade her a little later.

Are you always biased towards our cotton? )
"Nature is Qi" Su Miandao
Sue the old lady nodded. "You all go home, cotton girl."
A few people are busy quitting to SEAO and hate to itch their roots, but they dare not leave one in their eyes.
When they went out, Su Mian wiped her tears and smiled. "It’s really exhausting for my granddaughter."
Mrs. Su just took a sip of tea and almost spit it out! It turns out that this girl is acting like a grievance? So you’re not acting at this time?
"Grandma, please slow down. Granddaughter just played a play for you. Don’t choke." Su Mian was busy.
The handmaiden and mammy who served Mrs. Su also laugh.
Mrs. Su gulped the tea and pointed at her, "What a monkey!"
Su Mian patted her back before she was busy. "Don’t be angry, old lady."
"You are a monkey! Since you are not angry, what’s the trouble? " She thought that she had just come back and had been wronged. Leave a few words of relief.
"I’m not angry, but I’m afraid there will be this thing later. She won’t dare after simply scaring the second sister. Although I’m not angry, it’s not right for the second sister. What if someone says they shouldn’t talk? Isn’t that trouble?"
Sue cotton smile happily say
Sue old lady heart way you are a ghost elf!
"Well, I’ll call you an monkey and coax me!" Sue the old lady stared at her.
"The old lady, you are eager to be a granddaughter. I didn’t see that my granddaughter didn’t intend to hide it from you." Su Mian poured tea for the old lady again.
The old lady Su definitely looked at her for a long time and said, "You, it’s good that you are a little scheming, but don’t follow your mother. If she is so afraid of you and sad the day after tomorrow."
"Today, I saw the Nine Temples, and I was afraid that … it was also close." The old lady Su meant that I was afraid that the Nine Temples would take her away.
Albizia was still hiding a few words, such as nine halls asking the house if you can’t say in the end.
"After all, anyway, wherever my granddaughter is, it’s good." Su Mian was touched in her heart, and the old lady was really good to her.
"Well, go home. Your mother should wait for you with her neck stretched out." Speaking of the old lady Jane Su, she just hates iron and does not produce.
"It’s my granddaughter who went back to have breakfast with her grandmother." Su Mianfu went out of the door and went back with her request.
Mammy Wang looked at Su Mian and walked away. "Miss San is clever."
Mrs. Su seldom smiles, "Smart and good, follow her father."
Mammy Wang also laughed, "Yes, handmaiden, I remember that time. The second young master didn’t like reading well, and there was a way to tell his master not to hit him every time."
Speaking of the early death of Er Er Su, the old lady can sigh that if he is better than the boss everywhere!
He just left a son and a daughter, and if she was alive, she would take good care of him. But what can Cotton Girl do to help if she really enters the Nine Temples? Therefore, it is best for her to be smart. Jade girl can’t compete with cotton girl like this.
Nine emperors’ first wife, that’s the second daughter of Mu family, saying it’s extremely beautiful.
Is it easy to deal with a woman who has been married for two years, although she is still an heir?
I hope she has some tolerance for cotton.