
Jun Xian also saw the dagger thrown in.

"You envy me that I have to go out now-I lock the door from the outside and don’t care what happens outside."
You admire honesty. Her legs are lying on the bed, but she still can’t walk alone. But it’s better than before. This is because Jiang Jinxuan’s medical skills are superb, and another reason is because she is quite cooperative with treatment now.
Actually, when she was in the leg palace, Ouyang Junjin had been treated by a physician because you envied that Ouyang Junjin didn’t want to forgive him at that time, and he didn’t cooperate with taking medicine. Whenever he saw Ouyang Junjin, he deliberately lost his temper and moved around, which led to the injury, which never healed, but the bone dislocation happened.
I’ve been with Jiang Jinxuan all this time, and peace of mind will make me feel better so fast.
"Princess, don’t get sick!"
"Who are you?"
Jun envied the sudden appearance of a stranger, not an entourage. Although she didn’t go out often these days, almost all the entourage had seen this person, but it was quite strange.
"The princess has never seen me, but I have long admired her!"
"Who the hell are you?"
Looking at each other closer, you envy feeling a little hostile from each other’s eyes.
"Who am I? Is the princess who once had a romantic relationship with the princess satisfied with this answer? "
He said, jump on the bed directly and crush your envy.
"It smells good. No wonder Ouyang Junjin would rather get you behind his back."
The man lie prone on your envy and took a drag and said
"Save …"
You envy the word "help", but the man ordered a dumb hole before he shouted.
"Princess, don’t worry. It’s a fight outside at the moment. No one will notice it for the time being. When we are happy, the princess can call it whatever she wants!"
You can’t talk about it, but you can stretch out your hand and try to push the man who pressed you. But this strength can shake the other side, but instead, it is torn by the other side and tied your hands to the bed.
"The princess is not want to know who I am? Then I’ll tell you now! My name is Xiao Jun. Remember who you are today, not your high emperor, but my Xiao Jun. "
Xiao Jun looked at shivering jun envy eyes more and more crazy, like deliberately tortured each other dagger slowly picked jun envy clothes, but did not take off the whole, but cut the clothes into strips to let them continue to hang jun envy messy clothes hanging snow-white skin to stimulate people more crazy.
"Princess, don’t touch. Oh, this knife doesn’t have long eyes. If you accidentally cut the princess’s skin, I will feel distressed. Chapter 456 The edge of despair.
The man’s heavy breathing has been echoing in his ears all the time. The most hateful thing is that it is accompanied by the constant stimulation of your envy nerve.
Snow-white skin is a little exposed, and Xiao Jun slowly appreciates the beautiful scenery in front of him.
"Princess body must have seen the emperor many times? No, I was wrong. Has the Emperor not only seen it, but also touched it many times? Just like this! "
Xiao Jun said suddenly five fingers contraction severely pinched a soft palm.
The pain was very painful, and the sudden stimulation made Jun envy want to shout, but he opened his mouth and didn’t make a sound, because Xiao Jun clicked her dumb hole before and couldn’t make a sound.
The wretched hand caressed each one inch by inch from your envious body as if to cut her off.
"Is the princess comfortable?"
Xiao Jun asked while admiring the painful expression of Jun.
"Who makes the princess more comfortable than the two of us?"
I know that you can’t talk about Xiao Jun, but I have been constantly stimulating you to envy Ouyang Junjin.
You envy and look at Xiao Jun maliciously. If your eyes can kill people, Xiao Jun has already been cut to pieces at the moment, but it’s a pity that Xiao Junjun envies and glows more happily.
Xiao Jun held out her thumb and rubbed her lips slowly and praised, "What a small cherry mouth!"
Then board her Baal kiss to quickly entangle her tongue and get entangled violently.
Xiao Jun suffered from pain and had to be envied for the time being.
"Ha ha!"
Xiao Jun stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Jun envied that he had just bitten Xiao Jun, and even if he quit quickly, he wouldn’t be hurt.
"It turns out that the princess doesn’t like tenderness and likes blood. Well, I will be you today!"
With that, he stretched out his hand and slapped you with envy, and the horse swelled up with great strength.