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"Is everything all right?"
"well! Go back and say that this is not a place to talk. "
Sensing that a few strands of unknown origin flew around Wei Ya and shook his head slightly. There was no positive answer to Yin Qiananthracene’s question. Xu Keer finished understanding the difficulty of keeping a secret in the sectarian gate, gently took Yin Qiananthracene’s hand and whispered a few words to her. Yin Qiananthracene immediately changed his face and obediently followed Xu Keer towards her residence.
Xu Keer’s humble abode and Xun Qingfeng Caotang are very similar in style, but the difference is that they are built by a stream.
A line of three people walked into the room and deliberately dragged Xu keer to twist the door. A bat-shaped ornament touched the hut and set a ban. Wait a moment and feel that the ban came into effect and said with a smile.
"Get rid of those pesky guys outside. Don’t try to peep again. Don’t worry about talking!"
The eleventh volume in the fourth quarter dark dish calculation
Although the appearance of this cottage built on the edge of a mountain stream seems simple, the appearance is quite different, and the layers of forbidden huts are stacked around it. The forbidden and defensive arrays effectively shield the snooping from the outside world, and it is impossible to invade the hut without damage unless it is peeped by a real person.
After entering the hut, Wei Ya finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Slightly calm a mood Wei Ya said wearily
"Chloe, what did your master mean by telling me those things?"
Xu Chloe with a face of koo expression murmured.
"Please don’t ask me! If I knew what Master’s old man thought, I wouldn’t have to worry with you! "
Wei Ya closed his eyes slightly and integrated all the clues that can be judged in series in his mind. After a rough analysis, he opened his eyes and frowned and said
"Forget it. The implication in your master’s words seems that someone will find fault after the ceremony of praying for heaven."
Xu keer nodded his head. At present, the clue analysis shows that she has reached the same conclusion. Most of the people attending the Fa Conference are specially invited by Qiyunshan to come to the top of the world, and there are as many fairies as crossing the river. Just pulling out a character is not a good character. Thought of this, Xu keer can’t worry about Wei Ya.
If you don’t care, you will be in chaos. If you worry too much about Wei Ya’s safety, Xu Keer will almost lose the ability to think correctly, she said without thinking.
"Otherwise, leave Qiyun Mountain first!"
Seems to be turned a deaf ear to this Wei Ya eyes successively swept Yin Qian anthracene and Xu Kerr face and then suddenly interrupted a smile tone said quietly.
"No! Can I hide for a while or for a lifetime? Wait and see! "
With that, Wei Ya seems to have deliberately ended this overwhelming topic, so he easily looked around the furnishings in the room and said
"Chloe, your room is quite simple!"
We have been together under the same roof for a long time. Wei Ya’s rough temper hides perseverance and tenacity. Xu Keer knows very well that others want to change Wei Ya’s idea. It is never easier than letting a stone nod. She also has to say slightly naively
"Don’t change the subject, people will take you at a loss!"
If Xu Keer’s feeling at the moment is Naina Yin Qiananthracene’s feeling, it can be said that she has both ability and frustration.
Wei Ya encountered all kinds of troubles, which showed that Yin Qiananthracene could participate in not only because she had too little information to express her own opinions, but also because she was too humble to practice. Yin Qiananthracene could not see other effects except holding Wei Ya back for the time being.
Yin Qian himself is well aware of this. Looking at Wei Ya’s worried face, Yin Qian bowed his head with a deep feeling.
Eager to gain strength, it appears in her consciousness, or it is more appropriate for Yin Qianyou to feel weak and annoyed for the first time in his life.
Wei Ya didn’t notice Yin Qian anthracene’s subtle psychological activity at the moment and sat on a bamboo bed and said,
"Ha ha ha ha you also go to bed early! When the day is a good show, no matter the drama, such as us actors, we have to raise our spirits first. "
See Wei Ya is determined not to talk about the topic of avoiding disaster. Xu Keer let him go and pull Yin Qian anthracene and said
"Sister Qian Anthracene, come to my room!"
"Is Tong’s left-hander still in the mountains?"
Entertain guests in a quiet room in Qiyun Mountain. At this time, a white-haired old Taoist priest and a young Taoist priest talked and heard the old Taoist priest ask the little Taoist respectfully and replied
"It seems shallow to report that the left-handed warlock has gone to Xu Keer’s residence with his old man’s cousin Xu Keer after seeing the cool breeze."
Being in Qiyun Mountain, I know that this pool is unpredictable. The little monk is very afraid of Wei Ya, Xu Keer’s ambiguous words. In the end, there is no suspicion of guilt and shortness of breath. The old monk didn’t even lift his eyelids and said.
"Don’t worry about Xun Zongzhu in charge of Qiyun Mountain. It’s obvious to all that you are old. He won’t waste the public for personal gain and wait for the day to pray for the ceremony, and then he will capture Wei Ya’s demon! This kind of life is like a thing. If you don’t get rid of the sky for a day, you will have no peace. "