
It is absolutely impossible for an immortal to practice the forging method to this extent, so Xiao Wen can only use the strengthening system of Dan medicine.

But … Is there really such a strengthening system of Dan medicine in this world?
Zen magic kept staring at Xiao Wen, trying to see Xiao Wen clearly.
But what happened next was completely beyond his expectation. He never thought that Violet Yan and Xiao Wen did not choose to fight and go under heavy encirclement, but chose to fight hard! What he didn’t expect was that. The battle scene should be like this …
Xiao Wen didn’t just get bigger. He stopped when he was 30 miles tall, and then he had to face five demons who attacked him at the same time.
Five inferno Yashen are fast and slow, but only Yashen can feel the time difference. For ordinary people, it is completely the attack of five people in the blink of an eye at the same time.
It’s not ordinary people who attack at the same time, but the inferno Yashen!
Then I saw Xiao Wen didn’t mean to defend at all. His left hand swung outward, and a huge fan was added to his hand halfway up the road. Directly toward the front three demons and gods!
It’s not the wind that flies out, but the invisible dry pressure!
The attack of the three people is sharper than one. However, at that moment, all those attacks seemed to be frozen, just like fish suddenly frozen in ice. However, the scope of Gankun’s coercion is obviously more than that. This invisible coercion has also affected the three Asian gods behind! So the three men, regardless of distance, were suddenly delayed, as if they were frozen.
In fact, both the attacking God and the three men are all moving, but their speed suddenly slows down a lot. In the current fast-paced battle, as long as they are half slow, it is almost the same as suddenly stopping.
And when they were settled, Xiao Wen’s right arm, which had been closed at his side, finally rose!
Xiao asked five fingers open, suddenly made a swing arm slapping action. When his arm was just raised, the golden Se Guanghua overflowed on his right hand and condensed into the gloves of the ancient gods.
None of the three men majored in forging, and their bodies were not big at this time. When the gloves of the ancient gods turned into a giant palm in the sky, the three Asian gods were set off almost like ants.
A slight metal chirp sounded, and the giant palm of the ancient god held the first Asian god together with the defensive magic weapon, and then continued to shoot.
"bang! !”
With the crash, the defensive magic tactic of the second Asian god was scattered by the giant palm of the ancient god, and then the giant golden palm continued to press his people down.
"ah! ! !”
The third Asian god also studied the art of forging body, and at the moment when the palm of his hand was hit, he finally showed the practice of strengthening his body, and his body grew rapidly in the roar.
However, the third person might as well remain the same, because this change of his has caused a very shocking scene over the Temple of Monty.
It always takes a process to get bigger, even when Xiao Wen resisted the magic of war before, his body was in a process of getting bigger, and this last Yashen who also studied the art of forging body was no exception.
So everyone saw that his body, like a little ant, grew rapidly under the huge palm that covered the sky, trying to hold it with his hands, just like holding it against the falling sky. But the problem is that the huge palm is pressing down at the same time, and the speed of his enlargement is not fast enough. Until the giant palm covering the sky presses the other two Asian gods and he is close to the ground, his figure is only a little bigger than that giant palm …
"boom! ! ! ! !”
Covering the sky, the huge palm was patted directly on the ground and plunged into the ground. The earth thousands of miles away in Fiona Fang obviously bounced violently because of this palm …
A round wave of earth and rock spread outward at a very fast speed. It almost passed in a flash.
This weird shock wave comes and goes quickly, but where it passes. Almost all crustal and surface structures have been destroyed. The most obvious is the palace group of the Temple of Monty. Most of the palaces are still standing, but there is no one that is not full of cracks!
The palm shadow of Jin Se in the big underground pit has not dissipated. Only from the edge can you see the motionless hands and feet of the last forging sub-god …
Xiao Wen killed three inferno sub-gods in vain, including one who also studied the art of forging body!
Think of this as chopping melons and vegetables? ! This is Yashen, okay? ! !
Even if the practice atmosphere in the underworld is much stronger than that in the celestial world, but. Can a demon world have a hundred sub-gods?
And Xiao Wen actually shot three people with a palm!
Shocked, except shocked or shocked! ! !
Everyone had to reevaluate what kind of helper ZiYan hired, and they took the lead. Did you make a fatal mistake …
However, their shock is obviously not over yet. Xiao Wen just slapped three Asian gods to death, which is fierce, but it is only offensive and defensive. After briefly limiting the attack of the three people. The avatar of the three dead people accelerated again. Power almost undiminished toward xiao asked alongside of.seem and upper body. And a little farther away, the attack of the two people who were behind among the five people who came together has also been attacked!
At this moment, Xiao Wen will face the attack of five Asian gods, and it is completely too late to defend!
However, Xiao Wen, who had no time to defend, didn’t defend at all.
He just closed his eyes quickly, and then directly used his body to meet those attacks …
When he closed his eyes, his body obviously changed slightly, and his body surface seemed to quickly turn into liquid, and then quickly solidified into pure gold Se.
"Choke! ! ! When! ! ! Ceng, ceng, ceng … "
Xiao asked the upper body was almost completely submerged by the attack of the five people. Even if he is three miles in size at this time.
When there was a rumbling sound, Xiao Wenming was hit hard. Finally, I took a half step back.
Then, the magic tactic attack dissipated, the magic weapon bounced, and Xiao asked to reveal his shape.