
This time Wang Haidong clearly heard Fang Hongzheng and Gu Peng talking and laughing.

Although the two men had a vendetta when they competed for the big secret, their colleagues didn’t completely tear their faces, but they all smiled face to face behind their backs.
Chapter 25 Stopped
I heard Gu Peng say, "Fang Hong agreed to go to heaven and man late, and you are small. Don’t get drunk this time, or our district party committee will let you lose everything this time. Don’t lose to the people of the Finance Bureau."
It turned out that two people had an appointment to have a drink, and they played a few little jokes.
When leaving, Gu Pengcai said, "| Go back and tell Wang Haidong that the summary materials of economic development for half a year must be prepared for the meeting before ten o’clock this afternoon."
Fang Hong is so-called agreed to come as if he didn’t give this thing rest assured.
This guy really has his own narrow mind. Wang Haidong’s performance is really too eye-catching, which makes the AC several old people a little faceless.
Therefore, Fang Hong dug a hole for Wang Haidong, and when he returned to the office, he reported to the Lord. When he got back, he sat and read the newspaper without informing Wang Haidong at all.
But Fang Hong’s face showed a very satisfied smile. He thought to himself, Wang Haidong, don’t be proud. This officialdom is not as good as you think.
It’s not that all kinds of people can stand here. You’re a little young if you want to mix here.
I’ll see how you end up if you miss the meeting.
Although the CMC is a clear water yamen, the economic development of some enterprises in the development area is still the responsibility of the CMC, so the summary of economic development in the development area is also done by the CMC people
This fell to Wang Haidong. He checked the information all day yesterday to get out a draft, saying it was a diary to read, but he didn’t expect Nie Ji to meet it today, so it would be done before.
But Fang Hong didn’t tell Wang Haidong about it. This is the insidious place of Fang Hong.
But Wang Haidong didn’t mean to find a pile of white paper with a draft face pressing power-copy.
Soon the draft text became a printed document.
For Wang Haidong, who can control matter, it doesn’t necessarily take brains to make a document.
In fact, this summary is not so easy to write. Although it has been almost two years since the establishment of the development zone, its development has always been not so good.
There are several enterprises that have fallen into losses, but this summary is written for the city leaders. If it is not realistic, it will not work.
Therefore, it is more difficult to write. In this way, the owner of the field personally grasps things. After all, he is an old comrade and still has a good hand in writing summaries.
But this time, the landowner didn’t know what was the stimulus, and he actually gave such an arduous task to Wang Haidong
It’s no wonder that the enterprise benefit of the iron and steel plant in the whole development area is the best. Song Dapeng dares to work with the district party Committee, and the enterprise benefit is easy and natural. Wang Haidong focuses on the situation of the iron and steel plant and writes down the transformation plan of the iron and steel plant
Moreover, the top five enterprises in terms of efficiency are the economic nie Ji, the leader of the big special development area, who has made rapid progress. Look at this report less.
It’s the turn to write about those loss-making enterprises, but Wang Haidong didn’t directly write about how these enterprises lost money, but wrote about the outstanding achievements in technological transformation of these enterprises, striving for transformation and creating a more brilliant day.
To say that today’s difficult situation is a temporary one, it can be said that this summary is full of flowers. If we just look at the report, the development area is definitely thriving
Fang Hong waited to watch the drama, but Wang Haidong was also an old man, and the whole office was quiet again.
Suddenly Gu Peng walked into the office and went straight to Wang Haidong and said, "Did Xiao Wang summarize the economic development in the first half of this year?"
At this time, Fang Hong’s side music is like a pig giving up eating ginseng fruit, and the whole person becomes very transparent.
Just as he was waiting to see Wang Haidong make a fool of himself, Wang Haidong took out the document and said, "I have already written it, please correct me a lot."
Fang Hong was dumbfounded yesterday when he was in class in Wang Haidong. I didn’t see him do it today. How did this summary get written? Is it because he worked the night shift that he had a chance to tidy up Fang Hong again? Although he was aggrieved, he also had his own sulks.
Gu Peng probably took one look and said, "Good, good, not the kui is Yanda high flyers."
Gu Pengshen, the secretary of the district party committee, obviously has a high level of writing documents. He will not praise others for writing documents easily unless the other party really has something extraordinary.
Nie Changshan read the file and said, "Wang Haidong’s kindness in writing files will catch you up. It’s not easy for a new person to have such a great style of writing."
Wang Haidong can’t pose any threat to Gu Peng. Generally speaking, leaders’ secrets are leaders’ intimate people, and they won’t settle down easily, but once they do, they won’t change easily.