
Wu Chi approached and grabbed the wolf’s brush and wrote three big characters on the yellow paper-the word "Fang Ge Yin" was written askew, all shaped like tadpoles. No one can write with a brush these days, and it is almost entering the era of direct thinking and feeling mapping.

The reason why these three characters remember strokes is because Wu Chi’s network ID has always been named this way.
The beautiful Taoist couldn’t help but chuckle when she looked at the three big tadpoles in Wuchi. "In fact, you can directly input the voice and give the text according to the voice for you to click on."
"cut NPC also come to play with people."
Wu Chi couldn’t help feeling embarrassed, but when I think about it, I’m just an NPC and I’m afraid it will laugh at me. Go and have fun.
"Are you sure?"
Wu Chi looked at the Taoist priest left and right while answering, but I still can’t see whether the Taoist priest is wearing clothes or not. The water mist is wandering around and gathering, but I still can’t see it really.
The beautiful Taoist heard the words and nodded. With a wave of his hand, the paper-made rainbow shot into the depths of the sky and disappeared.
"Is it done?"
Taoist replied, "Just a moment, the system is processing it."
It’s so troublesome to get a name.
Wu Chi complained in his heart, but he also found it interesting to register the game in a strange way
Beautiful Taoist stands without saying anything.
"What’s your name? Is there a unified code? " Wu Chi thinks that when chatting smoothly, he asks MM’s name, regardless of the fact that the other person is NPC.
"I have my name in my head, please don’t insult us with this mechanical term." Taoist Jade turned cold and replied "Sha Hongyan"-three scarlet sand words loomed in Taoist head.
It turns out that the prototype of this NPC is "Sha Hongyan", and the beauty of Shu Mountain, the favorite of Nan Gong’s two generations, ranks among the top three. No wonder it’s personality that turns a face into an ice man.
But does NPC have dignity?
Bah! Is the game designer short-circuited?
Wu Chi laughed and felt that it was really funny. The game designer must have been full and supported, and then he led NPC and had an intelligent loop to chat crazily.
Just in the virtual depth of Wu Chi’s laughter, a star awn burst into several stars and rain filled the whole star, and a star rose from Ran Ran in the depths of the sky and merged into the vast Xinghai.
Before Wu Chi could ask questions, Taoist said coldly, "Your life star has entered the boundary pillar, and the names of people in the sea have been formally established. Now choose the attributes of people."
Suddenly a huge dice by appeared in front of Wu Chi.
Looking at this huge shape, colorful halo flows on the surface of the dice, and the super dice Wu Chi can’t help but smile bitterly.
What’s the matter? The game designer can’t be a giant god when he creates character attributes with the game dice of Shushan and Fengshen background.
"Push" Taoist ordered.
Push it. Although the roll is usually shaken, it is too big to push.
The super dice is driven to rotate by external force.
Turn and turn and finally stop.
Root bone 23
Keep trying and push it four times.
Savvy 22, Fortune 30, Five Elements 28, Constitution 16
“119?” Taoist is not some consternation.
Wu Chi laughed wildly at 119 o’clock, and it was almost 120 from the full point. Nb is dead.
There are a total of 120 attribute points. When the character is first created, it is decided to get the innate points floating from 120 to 60. Why don’t you laugh wildly when Wu Chi is almost full?
The elder Taoist boomed, fingering and scribbling, and the whole shock was like an explosion.
"After the characters are created, you can enter the game. You are the entrance to the game. Jumping is your birthplace-Dog Tail Village." When Taoist finished humanizing, a rosy cloud flew away and disappeared in vain.
Dog tail village?
Wu Chi couldn’t help but stay.
The fourth time, the lost man’s virginity sacrifice
Wuchijiao is a grotesque nebula, and the spiral flame is full of purple flames, and several golden ancient seal characters are floating and appearing slowly in the nebula.
Wu Dingjing, a scum, recognized those words at a glance. These words appear frequently in various announcements on the official website of the game. Players don’t know the ancient seal script, and there is no official simplified Chinese character note.
These majestic and simple golden characters are
-"Heaven and earth are cruel to all things" Look at that momentum.
This cross moral mantra comes from Li Er, a great philosopher in ancient China, and later generations compiled and compiled his theory. The fifth chapter of Tao Te Ching means that people should see through things and imitate heaven and earth to achieve immortality.
Fuck it, I really think the player is a dog. Give a birthplace and a dog tail village.
Wu Chi was vaguely aware of his birthplace. Maybe it was that Sha Hongyan bitch who was cheating. I didn’t expect NPC dignity to be blasphemous.
Anger belongs to anger, resentment belongs to resentment, but now it’s not up to you.