
"Delicious, you can remember to eat" Su Mian poked his forehead.

Ming’ an doesn’t mind hiding with a few laughs.
Su Mian left him on the swing. It was strange that the children never competed with Su Mian, but whenever she wanted to sit on the swing, the children quickly gave way.
Su Mian’s feet dangled on the swing, and her green skirt fluttered in the wind.
Looking at her husband and children with a smile on her face, she is not far away.
She stopped on the swing and asked, "What are you looking at?"
"Mother is beautiful!" Mingshou rob to say
"Come on, sweat" Yan went back and pulled her up.
After washing in the temple, Su Mian changed into a suit, holding a white jade bowl and eating milk skins with the children.
"You really don’t eat?" Sue cotton deliberately way
Yan Gui shook his head. He really doesn’t like it.
"What a loss!" Su Mian laughed.
"That’s it!" Ming’ an muttered while feeding his mouth. Anyway, he didn’t know what it meant, that is, his mother said 547. Chapter 547 Xin Yu Qiu.
After the Song family was completely released, Song Xinyu finally got Su Mian’s name.
"You get up," Su Mian looked at Song Xinyu who knelt before her.
"Beg the princess … I … I want to see one side" Song Xinyu refused to get up.
Su Mian lamented that this was self-inflicted. If it wasn’t for Song Xinyu’s calculation of Yan’s return, they wouldn’t be counter-calculating. Who knows what an accident Song Xinyu lost after four or five years of this calculation?
"You get up first. Duguteng won’t be in the mood to fight now. If he comes to Yanjing City, you will naturally see … what results do you want?" Su Mian now has no hatred for Song Xinyu. Their husband and wife are harmonious and loving, and once their rival in love was called good or bad.
"I dare not ask for results … I just want to see one side." In recent years, I have missed Dugu Tengyan’s capital for a few days, but whenever she saw it several times, it was repeated over and over again, and that night … she couldn’t forget Xu Xu Xu’s reality, which was too short.
The older you get, the clearer your memory becomes.
"In that case, you can go home. If you want him to come, you can see that if you don’t come … I will do the same." Su Miandao
Song Xinyu didn’t want to go. She wanted to beg for a letter, but she also knew that it was impossible to go after all.
"When she was so calculating, she wanted the Lord’s life. Who knew that one day others would be worried?" Indigo also sighed
Once Song Xinyu liked Yan Gui, she would like a generation.
"People always change" Su Miandao
"Handmaiden is afraid that if she doesn’t get what she wants, it will hurt people." Indigo said.
"harm a person? Then I am also terminating "Su Miandao.
She doesn’t mind letting bygones be bygones if you don’t mess with her, but don’t blame her for being cruel if you mess with her.
Song Xinyu went back to the mothering palace and didn’t go to the Soong family. She went back to her room quietly. She didn’t know that she could see Duguteng, but at least for the first time in years, she had a hope.
Song Xinyu’s mood hasn’t calmed down after the Song sent someone to call her.
For the first time in recent years, I paid my respects to the Song family with lightness, "My aunt is well."
Song doesn’t know where she went. Now she has one or two waiters around her. She is one of our own. It’s late to know what’s going on outside.
"You come and sit aunt have something you say" the song also rare kind way.
Song Xinyu used to sit on her first embroidered cave.
"Go ahead, Gu. She’s listening."
"You’re not young, and I can’t live for a few years. I can’t protect you anymore. Now I’m worried about you in this Vientiane Palace," Song said.
"Aunt …" Song Xinyu knew that the words she received were by no means what she wanted to hear, but it was also a pity.
Song thought she was worried about judo. "I always have to settle you down before I die. You don’t have to worry."
"No matter what happens after mourning, if the Su family doesn’t do anything like mourning, she will ask Yan to summarize you. You are not … you don’t have to care too much about your birthright. Just being a princess is another matter. You are not dependent on it."
Songshi avenue
Song Xin jade up "aunt … I … I’m not innocent …"
"Because you are not innocent, you can’t care so much, otherwise … will you give up your family?" According to the meaning of Song, she dared to call Song Xinyu to replace Su Mian.
"How to also have a positive second princess after you are not lost" Song Shidao.
"Aunt … I … Su won’t allow me to also … don’t want to aunt …" Song Xinyu knelt down.
You can see Duguteng soon. Now how can she enter Yan Gui’s harem?
"You can not! This is your generation? Now that Ai Jia is alive and waiting for a few years, what will you do? Are you going to be a nun? " The Soong annoyed her not into nu way
"Aunt …" Song Xinyu was in a hurry to cry. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to a few years ago.
"Well, it’s not urgent. Go home first." The Soong waved his hand wearily.
After she left, Mammy Wang said, "I’m afraid it won’t work out."