
At this time, Yu Long’s breath subsided, and he quietly came to the outside of the wall of the headquarters official residence under the cover of night. Yu Long gently jumped on the roof and fell on the roof, and he felt the situation of the headquarters official residence carefully.

The headquarters residence is a main hall of a building facing south and north. The architectural style of the palace-style building is very gorgeous, which is different from that of the presidential residence. The main entrance is magnificent and magnificent everywhere. People can enter and leave the main entrance at the same time. A golden square plaque is hung high in front of it, with the words "The first four dragons flying in the sky" written on the head. There are four giant beams on the left and right sides of the front door, each with a giant golden dragon. Its claws and claws look daunting.
A watchtower has been built in the east, south, west and north corners of the fence, and several guards are on patrol. At the same time, there is a strong fire defense network around the fence. Yu Long carefully looked at the fire defense systems that would not start automatically without alarm.
He secretly sneer at a few unnoticed and went in.
After carefully observing the movement of the headquarters official residence, he avoided layers of patrol guards and soon people came to the main hall of the headquarters official residence
At this time, "he immediately felt a feeling of depression, and then a strong sense of crisis immediately rose from his heart. When his heart couldn’t help but know that a master was approaching his own direction, he immediately converged and hid in the eaves to be found out about his whereabouts. Soon, two men wearing black clothes and smelling the golden eagle appeared, and their footsteps were staggering. If Long Yu hadn’t sensed it first, I’m afraid his whereabouts would have been exposed at the moment.
Yu Long secretly took a look at the two people’s heart andao. It’s not bad for them to fix it. If it’s committed in his hand, it’s also a business. When Yu Long was meditating, they had already left.
Yu Long immediately entered the main hall.
As soon as he entered the back door, Long Yucai was now in the headquarters residence. In the main hall, there were two people who saw a middle-aged man who looked less than forty years old. At this time, he was sitting in the middle seat. This man was very tall and muscular, and his chest was bare.
On the left and right sides of the hall, there are ten seats lined up in a straight line. A man wearing a night suit and showing his eyes is sitting in the chair.
Chapter VII Chapter 49 Opponents
Seeing this situation, Yu Long couldn’t help secretly saying, Is this person from the presidential residence?
At this time, I saw this strong man laughing at the man in the hall and said, "Haha, it’s really an honor for you to come to my headquarters residence. I invited you to come here again and again before, but you refused again and again. This time, you figured it out again. Will you come to my headquarters residence?"
The man said coldly, "Commander Larrell, my time is limited. I don’t want us to waste all our time on this nonsense."
After listening to this, Lalier kept a smile and said, "Oh? What is not nonsense? I’d like to hear about you. "
The man still said in a cold voice, "I just came to tell you that you are in danger. Someone wants to take care of your hand. I hope you can get ready as soon as possible."
Laliel’s face is still smiling after listening. She has answers and said to the man, "Please rest assured! I’m afraid that no one will start work on me, but someone will start work on my hand, and then I’ll start work on others’ hands, haha … "The powerful sound waves echoed in the whole hall for a long time like magic sound piercing the brain.
Yu Long was shocked when he heard Lariel say these words. Who is this man?
What’s his own plan? He’ll know.
At this moment, LaLille seemed to perceive something. Seeing laughter, LaLille suddenly turned crazy and shouted, "Who? Get your horse out! " Laliel didn’t finish his words until there was a strong murderous look in the hall at once.
Knowing that his whereabouts have been exposed, Yu Long immediately considered whether to stand up or leave here.
At the same time, Long Yufeng thought about seeing Larrell’s tall and majestic body come to Yu Long’s hiding place like a flash, and his iron right fist suddenly blasted towards him. As Larrell’s boxing potential swung out, the hall immediately set off a strong cyclone and blew the doors and windows around the hall.
Yu Long didn’t finish the meeting until he wanted Larrell’s words. He just made a decision and planned to show up in his heart.
The feeling be nasty gas penetration palm at the moment when laliel hit the screen, the chaotic force suddenly exploded from the palm of his left hand. After that, Yu Long’s hiding place was blown up on the spot, and the hall was scattered with finely chopped wood chips. Yu Long’s palm was accurately and mistakenly hit in laliel and came to the right fist.
At the moment when he came into contact with Lalier’s right fist, Yu Long immediately felt the power of Lalier’s fist coming from the palm like a flash flood. Long Yudang quickly pushed his feet back and flew back to the rear to unload his palm with amazing strength.
Detect that there is a sense of erosion in the strength of the right fist. Laliel holds the iron fist in his hands again and immediately makes a crazy chase to prepare for another blow to Long Yu.
Fly back with the strength of Lalier’s fist. When Yu Long saw that he was about to hit the rear wall of the hall, he saw that Yu Long’s left hand hit the rear and touched it. Lalier’s fist was passed on to the wall by Yu Long, and the hall suddenly collapsed. This shows that this punch is not small.
Long Yu went out smoothly with this palm.
But after going out, he didn’t leave, but waited in the yard. Before Larrell appeared, the man also appeared in the yard. Then Larrell chased out and surrounded Yu Long tightly.
At this time, Yu Long finally saw Larrell’s appearance. Seeing Larrell’s thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, his face was dark and rough, and his appearance exuded a powerful power. He started to walk and exuded full domineering.
Yu Long heart secretly feel that at present, these two people are rare masters. When the mind converges, his hands slowly hold his chest and look at Larrell.
By this time, the guards at the headquarters residence had smelled it and packed the surrounding area.
See lille face slightly peep out one silk spunk at the guards around heavy drink a way "people all give me back! No one is allowed to shoot anyone who violates the order without my order! "
Lalier’s words didn’t finish until the guards around him immediately ordered him to leave quickly.
In a blink of an eye, there are only two of them left around